Let’s Talk: Managing Life with Cerebral Palsy

I feel as though in the last four years or so, we’ve seen a huge increase on the internet of the “get things done” (GTD) productivity culture. This has exploded in a number of ways from various authors and bloggers sharing their work ethics and tips, to having apps,…

A Caring Doctor, at Long Last

Whether a part of cerebral palsy or not, I’ve been struggling with bed-wetting for two months now. I have to say that my experience with the first urologist was one I’d not like to repeat. But today, I went to a new urologist, one part of a health network…

When You Need Help, be Prepared to Ask for It

Last week I went out to lunch with my mom, our family and friends. In the group there was one person whom I had met only a handful of times, and another person I was meeting for the first time. Today, I am a seasoned 21-year-old and meeting someone who has never encountered…

Learning to Drive and Gaining Independence

For any teenager, learning to drive is a rite of passage from being a child to becoming an adult, and is no less important for someone with cerebral palsy, like me. So, let’s go back to that time: In the summer after I graduated high school, although already…

Staying Strong When Pressures Mount

Today, I want to talk about something a lot of us think about, but that can lose its importance on our to-do list. That is our need to stay strong when confronted by the pressures to get things done or to succeed. Those of us with cerebral palsy…

Dating Advice for Those Who Have Disabilities

Dating is difficult for everyone at one time or another. Disability or not, finding a date, asking for a date, and actually going out on a date is stressful. What do you do when you have a disability and want to date? Should you just forget about it,…

The Importance of ‘Checking In’ on Your Mental Health

Lately, I have been pleased with the content of this column. I feel it’s the most true to myself that I’ve written, and just about every piece is about now, the things I’m currently going through, as opposed to being several months old. And it has all happened as…