Staying Strong When Pressures Mount

Staying Strong When Pressures Mount

Living Life with CP

Today, I want to talk about something a lot of us think about, but that can lose its importance on our to-do list. That is our need to stay strong when confronted by the pressures to get things done or to succeed.

Those of us with cerebral palsy and other chronic illnesses face pressure from a lot of directions: Friends, family, society, medical staff, and so on. Add to that the pressures from social media: Scrolling through and seeing other people’s achievements, or receiving comments on your own posts.

If you’re using social media, it is easy to compare yourself with someone else. The danger is you can get trapped in a vicious cycle. No matter what you do, you feel nothing is ever good enough. And because of that, you never cut yourself a break or pat yourself on the back, even in private. You can feel really trapped.

I know from experience that this cycle can be uncomfortable and at times seem unending, but it is possible for you to work your way out of it. Like most of you, my health is in crisis, but I’m trying to make major lifestyle changes and immerse myself in self and growth.

I care for two pets, for example. I try to push myself past my comfort zone both personally and professionally. Can you do something like that?

I’m learning every day. I’m chronically ill with cerebral palsy, dealing with symptoms of the stress and anxiety that walk hand-and-hand with it. Yet, I rise every day and do all of the things I need to do — but I don’t cut myself a break.

Of course, mine is just one story. Many chronically ill people have similar tales to tell. The community wants to hear them; everybody’s story has unique value and needs to be told.

I know there are people battling major problems, along with their chronic illnesses. They can include other serious illnesses, raising a family, taking care of a family, the pressures of career and society.

And yet, these same people are persevering and doing incredible things. You are working so hard on it. I want to hear your stories.

So, I encourage everyone with cerebral palsy to do something to tell your story. Maybe you can leave a comment on a blog. Reach out to someone who inspires you. You might create a blog of your own and write your own story. Or grab a camera and document your story out loud by video in a vblog, or in photos on Instagram.

Today, the possibilities to tell your story are not endless, but they are numerous. And you never know who you’re going to reach, who you’re going to help, or what you could accomplish if your story were out there.

Remember, you are powerful. Take back your control. Just breathe, be calm. And, importantly, stay strong. 

Note: Cerebral Palsy News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Cerebral Palsy News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to cerebral palsy.

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