Brittney,  —

Hello, My name is Brittney and I am a columnist with Cerebral Palsy. I focus on writing about lifestyle and believe that everyone's experience is relevant, no matter the disability. I support, and advocate for, the mainstreaming and normalization of children with disabilities and their families, as well as advocating for parents and children who need to go the more specialized route. I hope that my content provides a positive reinforcement that it is possible to live a happy and fulfilled life even with a disability.

Articles by Brittney Nicole

Physicians’ credentials should include bedside manners

Right now I’m hurt, scared and anxious. I’m so embarrassed to be discussing this, but I feel it’s something I must do. You see, for the past month, I’ve been struggling with nightly bed-wetting. I went to my primary care doctor and he thought I had an infection.

Smart Watch Can Help You Take Charge of Your Health

Today, I want to talk about my watch and how it helps me to deal with the symptoms of cerebral palsy. It is a smart watch, an Apple prodiuct. I know not everyone may have one, and I’m definitely not advising you to get one; but if you…

Support Hotlines are Numerous and Beneficial Resources

This was not the article I thought I would be writing today. It certainly isn’t the one I planned. And, for a few reasons, it took me all day to write it. I feel that I’m really putting myself out there this time. That’s saying a lot because…

Life Lessons and My College GPA

If you’re in college right now, or if you ever have ever been, you know the pressure put on you to maintain a high GPA. The pressure is such that you may feel you won’t survive if your GPA drops below 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  I’m here to tell…

How I Became Positive About Using My Walker Again

I have a confession. I used a walker since I was in pre-school until I was 10 years old, when I walked independently without it for a few years. Throughout this time, I remember feeling very embarrassed and ashamed of my walker. While feelings of embarrassment are normal…

How Training a Pet is Improving My Chronic Life

About a month ago, I took on the responsibility of a beautiful white-and-gray male baby cockatiel, which I lovingly named Buddy. Buddy was the love child of my mom’s male and female cockatiels. They’ve had so many babies! In fact, about a week ago, I adopted and…

My Journey into Decluttering and Minimalism

During the last two months of 2016, my personal life had taken a pretty steep dive. I have always coped with massive life changes by doing two things — changing my hair and changing my space. I changed my hair, and for the first time in my adult…