Brittney,  —

Hello, My name is Brittney and I am a columnist with Cerebral Palsy. I focus on writing about lifestyle and believe that everyone's experience is relevant, no matter the disability. I support, and advocate for, the mainstreaming and normalization of children with disabilities and their families, as well as advocating for parents and children who need to go the more specialized route. I hope that my content provides a positive reinforcement that it is possible to live a happy and fulfilled life even with a disability.

Articles by Brittney Nicole

What to Do When You’ve Had a Bad Doctor Experience

We all have had at least one experience when a doctor either behaved badly or treated us in a way we didn’t feel we deserved. “He could have spoken in a nicer tone,” you might mumble to your mother. But what do you do when the experience…

The Anxiety of Going Out

Most people don’t think twice about going out, whether with a new friend or on a date. Their phones buzz in their pockets with opportunities, and they are able to accept at a moment’s notice. It’s hard to remember that not everyone lives this way. For those…

When You Feel You are Behind in Life …

Remember: Life is not a race or a competition. I was supposed to graduate college on May 6. But by the time those graduation photos hit my timeline, I had been medically withdrawn from the university for nine months. I was forced to withdraw during my senior year…

Top Five Tips for Traveling Spoonies

It feels so good to be writing my column again. I had been unable to write for about a month, unexpectedly. I was on a two-week vacation during and was ill the entire time. Even though I’ve been home for two weeks now, my recovery is still in…

How Apple Watch Improved My Life With Cerebral Palsy (Part 2)

About a month ago I wrote a piece about my Apple Watch and its new accessibility features. Since then I’ve become addicted to it, wearing it every day, tracking my physical and occupational therapy sessions and using my watch to hold myself accountable for my at-home programs. All…

If You Could Cure Your Disability, Would You?

If you could take a pill and have your cerebral palsy cured, would you? What if your chronic illness was cured for one full day. What would you do? Do you ever think about what your life would be like if you weren’t disabled? These are questions I think everyone…

Build Your ‘Home’ with All That Defines You

Dear Whoever Is Reading This Our world today is flowing with endless possibilities; there are more devices to enable you to do more things, to save more time,to  get your more places, to make you more productive, etc. We are more in control of our world than ever —…

Let’s Talk: Managing Life with Cerebral Palsy

I feel as though in the last four years or so, we’ve seen a huge increase on the internet of the “get things done” (GTD) productivity culture. This has exploded in a number of ways from various authors and bloggers sharing their work ethics and tips, to having apps,…

A Caring Doctor, at Long Last

Whether a part of cerebral palsy or not, I’ve been struggling with bed-wetting for two months now. I have to say that my experience with the first urologist was one I’d not like to repeat. But today, I went to a new urologist, one part of a health network…