Living Life With CP - A Column by Brittney Clouse

Living Life with CP

How to Tell People You Have a Disability

While browsing Reddit recently, I came across a discussion about how to tell people that you have a disability. I have never had the luxury of nondisclosure because my disability has always been visible and I often use mobility aids. However, I have experienced the feelings…

10 Tips for Self-Advocacy During the Back-to-School Season

The back-to-school season is in full swing, and with Halloween candy hitting the shelves, I think we need to be blunt about an extremely important subject for everyone — but especially people with a chronic illness: advocacy, particularly self-advocacy. People who live with a chronic illness still…

10 Tips to Maintain Self-care When Going Back to School

We all know how important self-care is for everyone, but it can be crucial when dealing with a chronic illness. During the summer months, I strived for self-care one day a week. But now that my days are longer and filled with activities, I need to practice…

How Can We Motivate Healthcare Professionals to Do More Research?

In July, BNS staff writer Patricia Inacio wrote a story discussing why and where children with cerebral palsy need more pain management. The article states that children with CP often have pain that is overlooked by caregivers and therapists. It discusses the importance of assessing the…

Take Control of Your Chronic Life: The Pomodoro Technique

From the moment you entered grade school, you’ve been told how important it is to be organized. Later, your teachers added a task and told you that being organized also meant knowing how to manage your time. Learning time management is such an important part of learning how…

How to Make Physical Therapy Work for You

If you’ve been reading this column awhile, you know I’ve been talking about physical therapy for a long time. We’ve talked about how powerful and beneficial it can be once you commit and check into the program. We’ve discussed building meaningful relationships with physical therapists, and…

Why You Should Start Calling Yourself Disabled

Earlier today, I was telling a story about how I rejected calling myself disabled for a long time. As fate would have it, The Mighty newsletter featured a post called, “When I Started Calling Myself Disabled.” Floored and completely interested, I read Holly Abel’s words. We…

Ideas About How to Navigate the Emotional Impact of a Disability

I remember growing up in a world without the internet. I don’t think many 20-somethings today say that, but I remember that “simpler time,” a time of less pressure. Only for me it didn’t feel like there was any less pressure at all. I’m thinking about a 10-year-old…

10 Ideas to Help You Handle Your ‘Low Spoon’ Days

If you missed me last week, I had an in-office procedure and received Botox injections. I was, and still am, feeling pretty worn out since, something that hasn’t usually happened to me. But, alas, here we are. A week later, I’m tired and sore, but I’m doing…