Living Life with CP

My Experience with Adaptive Driving and Obtaining a License

With summer in full swing, I figure this is a good time to go in-depth about adaptive driving. I’ve been driving for about five years, and now that I’m a comfortable driver, I think I can finally address some of the questions I get about the subject. The first…

How I Deal Emotionally with Multiple Diagnoses

Sometimes I’ll set out with a column idea and it gets completely transformed over the course of the week. This was one of those times. I initially intended to talk about the emotional struggles of people with disabilities over different life phases, such as graduating from high school and…

Tips to Make Dating with Cerebral Palsy Less Intimidating

Hey, everyone! Last week I wrote a column that didn’t get a chance to be published. I thought I would have it for you this week, but it’s going to take some extra time. This week, instead, I’ll discuss dating and being in a relationship with a partner…

What Is Health Anxiety and Do I Have It?

I started working on sorting out my mental health issues a few months ago by going to talk therapy, mainly because panic attacks have been a genuine struggle for me. I also have faced generally high amounts of anxiety. This is why I decided to discuss the topic of health…

5 of the Best Ways to Manage Your Chronic Life

A few months ago, my life was so busy that it felt like everything was spiraling out of control — my body and mind included. As most people find with a chronic illness, stress can cause symptoms to flare. Long-term stress can have even more of an…

Awkward Moments and More Representation

Having a disability means that you’ve probably experienced some rude and awkward moments. These might include someone staring at you too long in the checkout line at the store, a child loudly pointing you out to their mother when you’re out for a walk, or a stranger…

Sorting Out My Mental Health Diagnoses

I can’t believe I’ve been away from my column for two months. These last two months were the longest I have gone without writing for at least two years. I have never been more ready to be back. I got a new diagnosis. It isn’t anything…

Should You Use the Accessible Restroom Stall?

I’m finally going to answer the age-old question: Should you use the accessible restroom stall if you are able-bodied or otherwise don’t need to? I have been thinking about sharing my opinion almost since this column began, but for a long time, there were so…