Brittney,  —

Hello, My name is Brittney and I am a columnist with Cerebral Palsy. I focus on writing about lifestyle and believe that everyone's experience is relevant, no matter the disability. I support, and advocate for, the mainstreaming and normalization of children with disabilities and their families, as well as advocating for parents and children who need to go the more specialized route. I hope that my content provides a positive reinforcement that it is possible to live a happy and fulfilled life even with a disability.

Articles by Brittney Nicole

21 Things Learned in 21 Years with Cerebral Palsy

About life, love, and cerebral Palsy: Nobody’s diagnosis or symptoms are the same as your own; everybody feels and experiences things differently. No one handles pain the same. While you and your friend may both have hip pain as related to your cerebral palsy, you may power through it and…

The Impact of the Internet on Disability

  It’s no secret that the internet has enabled our society to be more plugged in and connected with people than ever before. We know what our friends, family, and significant others are doing at all times, and we can easily reach them a number of ways should we need…

“Quality of Life” in Cerebral Palsy

I think this one of the most widely known quotes within the disabled community. I can’t count the amount of times on all of my fingers and toes how often I’ve heard this phrase and for some reason, much to my surprise, the quote “Let’s talk about your quality of…

Cerebral Palsy & Oral Motor Function

Last week I published a post about the symptoms of Cerebral Palsy. In it, we discovered that the signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy differ and that they vary from person to person. I noted in that post that while I had at least a few bullet points under every…

Cerebral Palsy: What Are The Symptoms?

  So, what if someone you know gets diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy? What are the symptoms and how do you go about finding treatment options for them? Before I begin this post I would like to say a few things. The first is that if someone you know is diagnosed…

What Does A “Changing” illness do to a family?

Family dynamics are always complicated, and it seems that everyone’s family has their problems, but the weird thing about our own families is that we as people tend to think that our family’s problems are isolated and specific to us.  As we grow and connect with people, we find out that…

Self-Esteem & Disability in Cerebral Palsy

Hi, Everyone! I’m back again, I hope you’ve been having a wonderful day! To be honest, I struggled with what to write next following my introductory post. I panned through my list of story ideas for quite some time before settling on this one. I hope I made the right…

Cerebral Palsy Blog Introduction: I am Brittney Clouse

Hi, Everyone! My name is Brittney Clouse and I’m entering my senior year at Pennsylvania State University where I study digital / print journalism and am minoring in entrepreneurship and innovation with a focus on new media. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. Weighing 1 pound, 13 oz,…