
Electrical Stimulation Doesn’t Make Botulinum Toxin More Effective or Longer Lasting, Study Says

Adding electrical stimulation to an injection of botulinum toxin doesn’t produce an added benefit in children with cerebral palsy, a new study suggests. The study, “Effectiveness of electrical stimulation after administration of botulinum toxin in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: A prospective, randomized clinical study,” was published…

FDA Approves Myobloc Injection for Chronic Drooling in Adults

Myobloc (rimabotulinumtoxinB) injections have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat adults with chronic sialorrhea, or drooling, a condition that’s often experienced by patients with cerebral palsy. Sialorrhea, commonly known as drooling, refers to an overflow of saliva production. The condition often…

Research Institute Awards $70K Fellowship to Study Gait Retraining in CP

The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research  (NIDILRR) has awarded postdoctoral bioengineer Xuan Liu a $70,000 Switzer Research Fellowship for mobility research in cerebral palsy (CP). The merit award will fund “Biofeedback gait retraining for stiff knee correction: Multi-joint adaptation in children with…