
Provocative Film Explores Love and Sexuality Among the Disabled

Dozens of films have focused on those with diseases or disabilities — and there’s no shortage of Hollywood productions about love and sex. But only a handful have ever really tried to combine these two themes. “Take a Look at This Heart” does the job with tenderness and finesse.

Pain Treatment Initiative Aims to Reduce Opiates Addiction Among CP Patients

Contending that the effects of addiction outweigh pain management, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF) has launched a medical research initiative to treat chronic pain without opiates. The new approach aims to craft customized treatments to alleviate or eliminate recurring pain for cerebral palsy (CP) patients of all…

Rehabilitation, Acupoint Injection Therapy Improve Blood Flow to Brains of Young CP Patients, Study Finds

A combination of conventional rehabilitation therapy and acupoint injection therapy significantly improves blood circulation in the brains of children with cerebral palsy, promoting nerve cells’ growth and function recovery, a study found. “GM1 Acupoint Injection Improves Mental Retardation in Children with Cerebral Palsy” was published in the…