Waiting Room Memories of When the Pain Prevailed

Thinking back: I am 16 years old. I sit in a cold ER with my mom on a September day. My mom and I are regulars at all  the local ERs because, for the past year, I’ve been struggling with a deep, nagging hip pain. It has made…

Birth Control Update: Five Months in and Doing Better

Some time ago I wrote a column talking about what it was like for a woman with cerebral palsy to seek birth control. I mentioned a few symptoms, like ankle pain and swelling of my breasts, and I expressed frustration at the lack of information I could find about…

Do You Have What it Takes to be a Great Personal Care Attendant?

Have you ever considered becoming a personal care attendant? These essential workers enable people with chronic illnesses to be as independent as possible by assisting with daily living tasks such as transportation, shopping and house chores. Not everyone is cut out for this important work, but if you…

Letter to Myself About the Power of Physical Therapy

On Friday, I wrote about how I finally accepted, positively, my physical therapy. I think I started the intensive physical therapy program two weeks ago today. On Friday, I talked about giving into the therapy program; today I want to gloat a little … About a month ago, I was…

Personal Care Attendants Need a Manager – You!

Fortunately, personal care services are granted to those with physical disabilities. Waiver programs make these very important services affordable. I am blessed to have personal care services so I can live as independently as possible. In my experience of having personal care, I’ve seen good and bad attendants,…

Do You ‘Suffer’ with a Chronic Illness?

I think the language we use when talking about our disability or chronic illness is very important, regardless of whether we are talking to our doctors or our friends. As people living with a chronic illness we can control, to an extent, how our lives are perceived. It is…