Life Lessons and My College GPA

If you’re in college right now, or if you ever have ever been, you know the pressure put on you to maintain a high GPA. The pressure is such that you may feel you won’t survive if your GPA drops below 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  I’m here to tell…

How I Became Positive About Using My Walker Again

I have a confession. I used a walker since I was in pre-school until I was 10 years old, when I walked independently without it for a few years. Throughout this time, I remember feeling very embarrassed and ashamed of my walker. While feelings of embarrassment are normal…

How Training a Pet is Improving My Chronic Life

About a month ago, I took on the responsibility of a beautiful white-and-gray male baby cockatiel, which I lovingly named Buddy. Buddy was the love child of my mom’s male and female cockatiels. They’ve had so many babies! In fact, about a week ago, I adopted and…

My Journey into Decluttering and Minimalism

During the last two months of 2016, my personal life had taken a pretty steep dive. I have always coped with massive life changes by doing two things — changing my hair and changing my space. I changed my hair, and for the first time in my adult…

When Your ‘Old’ Life Makes You Feel Like a Stranger

Another year is starting and the family holidays are behind us. During those holidays, did your friends and family pull out old pictures of you and tell stories about different times in your life? Sometimes, tales about before you got sick or when you were “better?” In my case,…