How to Choose the Right Mobility Aid

While on the topic of things to consider when making a transition, let’s talk about mobility devices, and how to choose the right one for you. When it comes to mobility aids, there are so many options within options, because most of the time, whichever…

My Greatest Gifts Are My Children

I’m a very fortunate person, despite having cerebral palsy. Yes, I cannot walk or do daily tasks or other activities for daily living. But one extremely important and wonderful thing that I can do is be a mother. I love my children with all of my heart. From…

Molding Your Quality of Life During Care Transitions

As I write this, I am in the early stages of considering treatment options to enhance my quality of life. It’s amazing how things can change. Two years ago I wrote, “I have always felt like the quality of life should never be…

Offer a Loving Act: It’s What February Is All About

Love can come in all kinds of forms and presents itself in various ways. Of course, there is romantic love, but many other forms also exist. As a person who has a severe physical disability, such as cerebral palsy, people have shown love to me in all kinds…

Technology Has Opened Doors for Those with Disabilities

No matter what type of cerebral palsy a person has, it limits their independence to a certain extent. Independence is amazing, especially when you have such a limited range of freedom. Technology has improved the quality life of thousands of people who have significant disabilities. I know that…

Combating Obstacles to Go Out with Friends

I have an interesting dilemma as a woman with cerebral palsy, and I wonder if others have the same problem. I enjoy going places with friends and having fun, just like anyone else. Well, I guess almost anyone else, because some people don’t like to go anywhere. But…

‘The Greatest Showman’ Celebrates Differences

Sometimes a movie grabs your heartstrings and sticks with you. I fully admit that I’m not the biggest movie buff on the planet. In fact, it takes a lot of convincing for me to sit and watch a movie. Why? Sitting still is difficult for me because I…

Be Inspired by an Oklahoma Teen with a Modeling Career

What are your goals for the brand new year of 2018? I always feel inspired when January comes each year because I am ready for a change. My goals include speaking engagements, writing and continuing my career. Well, I’m not alone in having new aspirations. For Autumn Kinkade,…