Brittney,  —

Hello, My name is Brittney and I am a columnist with Cerebral Palsy. I focus on writing about lifestyle and believe that everyone's experience is relevant, no matter the disability. I support, and advocate for, the mainstreaming and normalization of children with disabilities and their families, as well as advocating for parents and children who need to go the more specialized route. I hope that my content provides a positive reinforcement that it is possible to live a happy and fulfilled life even with a disability.

Articles by Brittney Nicole

Why is there stigma attached to triggers?

I was officially diagnosed with anxiety at the end of August. I posted here some of my thoughts about that. The experience of being diagnosed officially on paper in black and white was validating and terrifying, a mix of relief and dread. What I was going through…

What It’s Like to Be on Medication for Anxiety

Before getting into this column, I want to say that it is as much for me as for you. This is a post documenting my experience so far. I don’t claim that anyone will have the same experience as I have, and I would love to hear from…

How Do You Struggle with Chronic Illness?

It’s nearly impossible to try to explain to someone what it’s like to live with a chronic illness. You will have good days and bad. Both will appear to your friends as extreme — one night you’re out at the movies, having dinner with them, laughing, having a great time;…

CP Talks in the Waiting Room: An Introduction

I’ve been thinking a lot about what information this column could bring you next. I’ve covered a lot of ground here, and want to keep going with content that really matters. Most of us, whether we have a disability or a chronic illness, or we’re close to someone…

In Support of Minimalist Culture

It’s confession time: one of my favorite things to do is to spend hours online watching videos about how people get ready in the morning,  or tutorials about how people organize their planner or  clean their bathroom. I look up organization ideas on Pinterest. I love it, I…

Control, Strength and Health Struggles – A Life Update

It feels so weird to still be writing after the month I’ve had. There were many times this month when I’ve wondered if and when I would continue writing or doing anything for that matter. In short, my physical, mental, and emotional health has tanked. I’ve been forced…

Embrace Disability, Don’t Objectify It

Someone once referred to my boyfriend and I as “relationship goals,” which in the age of hashtags and going viral, sounds like the equivalent of getting a ton of likes on something you post, etc. Something told me I should have been ecstatic, but somehow I also sensed…