German Girl with CP Seeking Funds to Pursue Dream of Becoming an Actress in NYC

Coco de Bruycker dreams of becoming an actress and revolutionizing the film industry. She is raising funds to achieve her goals of moving to New York City to change the world and inspire others who have cerebral palsy (CP).
Born in Mainz, Germany, Coco has never let her condition define her. At 11 years old, she found her first love — acting. As a teen, Coco took acting lessons and joined workshops. At 17 she became a member of her hometown’s National Theatre Mainz. After graduating from high school she auditioned at the New York Film Academy (NYFA).
Coco’s CP has affected her walking ability since birth. So, at the audition in New York City, she asked if she had a chance to become an actress given her disability. According to a press release from the NYFA, their reply was very encouraging: “You’ve got lots of energy, you can inspire screenwriters to new roles.”
A week later, Coco received news she had been accepted for an eight-month acting program in Manhattan.
However, despite the good news, to start her acting studies in September 2017, Coco needs financial support. So, she started a crowdfunding campaign (#NYCoco) with a goal of raising $50,000, which will cover all remaining tuition fees and housing.
“My studies are the way to a big goal,” Coco said. She dreams of an acting world where actors with disabilities are ordinary, and seen as any other actor. Coco is hopeful the film industry will embrace more diversity among actors.
“Disabled actors are something extraordinary yet. I want to make them something ordinary in the films we watch every day.” Coco wrote on her crowdfunding page.
Coco has found some partners on her way, including musician Oliver Mager, from Mainz, and actor Samuel Koch, who calls for action: “Become a part of her dream, as it is mine!”
So far, Coco has raised $15,800 through the crowdfunding campaign and the project is gaining increasing attention and support. Those who wish to help Coco, are asked to check out her crowdfunding page.