Blazing New Trails to Offer Latest in Cerebral Palsy Developments and Resources

A program called Blazing New Trails has begun offering information and support to cerebral palsy (CP) patients and their families.
The objective of the effort, sponsored by Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, is to let families know about the latest developments and resources available. The information covers healthcare management, physical and occupational therapies, and technologies to help children adapt to CP and lower limb spasticity.
The Reaching for the Stars Foundation and the nonprofit BlazeSports America rolled the program out to coincide with the celebration in March of National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.
CP affects body movement and muscle coordination. It is caused by damage to the brain during development — either in the fetus; before, during, or shortly after birth; or during infancy. CP affects about one in 323 children in the United States.
“We know firsthand the difficulties patients and families affected by Cerebral Palsy go through, and having the ability to learn from many resources in one place, while also connecting with others in the community who are going through the same journey, is empowering,” Cynthia Frisina, founder of Reaching for the Stars and executive director of BlazeSports America, said in a news release.
“We look forward to bringing Blazing New Trails to families of children impacted by Cerebral Palsy while sharing the helpful resources developed specifically for those living with a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis and its many challenges,” Frisina added.
Blazing New Trails will include town halls focusing on the latest developments in care for children with CP. The events will feature discussions with multidisciplinary care teams. Those attending can visit information sponsors’ tables, ask questions, and meet and join in discussions with other participants.
Reaching for the Stars has also started Cerebral Palsy Television (CPTV) to provide educational videos on demand about CP to children, teens and adults. CPTV is available on Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire.
“We are thrilled to sponsor the Blazing New Trails program, as it provides much needed multi-disciplinary education and local support for the Cerebral Palsy community both in-person and at home,” said Cynthia Schwalm, president of Ipsen’s North America Commercial Operations.
More information about Blazing New Trails is at